Monday, November 2, 2020


 To learn about the art of storytelling and the importance of a strong story line and "Top Line", I studied The Creative Consultant at the BBC academy, Frank Ash. Frank explains how to connect with an audience through a relevant story in order to create suspense and tension, which is crucial to the horror genre which I am attempting to complete. Frank devised this into a series of questions  which you have to answer in your final production. These questions were: The Top Line and the Big Question

Frank later went on to say that when making a production you must work out what you as an audience member would like to get out of the production and the story on which it is building on. He also talks about how as a member of the production team, you need to put yourself in the shoes of other audience members in order to discuss what universal themes or ideas that you want to convey which connect all humans together. This will help to create a production that will invigorate your audience and retain their attention enough so that they want to watch the film in its entirety.  

Top LineA creature of unknown origin pulled from the depths of the past. Man thought that they could control it, they were wrong. The location of its whereabouts is deemed too dangerous for the outside world to know, therefore a specially created organisation sends in two elite operatives to neutralize the being. Do they stand a chance against something beyond human comprehension? 

Big Question: Will they survive and defeat the unknown being?

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