Silhouette Film Website by IGNITE FILMS 

 Before creating my own website for my trailer, I analysed the websites to films similar to the genre of film I wanted to make. These included A Quiet Place Part II, Joker, Cruel Peter. I used Canva as this was the best way to show how the websites were similar and different from each other. 

Website analysis by IGNITE FILMS

Distribution Collage

My chosen film is positioned as a thriller film that utilises the escapism aspect of our theoretical framework Blumler and Katz’ theory. The main selling points of this film is that it is an established franchise. It also incorporates a cross over between previous movies within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Chris Resseling of Pathe showed me insight into how distributors market a film’s unique selling point. This includes things such as star cast and its provenance. In this case Spider-man is a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe which means audiences who may not watch Spider-man but enjoy Avengers films may be more inclined to watch Spider-man Far From Home as a result. The star cast includes renowned actors such as Tom Holland (who was the previous Spider-man) and Samuel Jackson, an actor of high prestige and is known for being in good films. Spider-man Far From Home  is a sequel to the Spider-man franchise.

Kezia Williams head of theatrical distribution at Pathe explained that, in a congested marketplace, a distributors aim is to position a film in a way so that it stands out for their target audiences and makes it look unique to other films they may have seen in the same genre. They utilise their twitter pages and other social media networks in order to help build hype for the target audience so that on opening weekend the box office revenue will be larger than if no hype had been built. This includes the drip feeding of information on the film and the posters associated with it. In the case of Spider-man Far from Home the choice of posters is limited. There are four posters, the one standing out the most shows the iconic Spider-man mask and the locations they will be visiting in the film as well.

As the Spider-man Far From Home movie was made under one of the big six names (Disney) there was a big budget for high quality CGI to be used in the making of the film. This meant that scenes used could be abroad like the countries the trailers, as well as high quality animation for the web slinging in which Spider-man is renowned for. This high budget allows for a high quality movie to be made, so as a result the movie can be marketed to an audience for these aspects. As a form of marketing, as depicted by the collage above, Disney released a VR experience for Spider-man Far From Home. This game was then played by many large Youtubers, gaining the film lots of free publicity as many of the people who watched the Youtube videos would then buy the game and watch the film.


  1. A QUIET PLACE: You note the most significant parts of the film's website, which are the powerful main trailer, the synopsis and the social media links. I take your point that the website is surprisingly lacking in most of the usual conventions, such as posters, gallery and secondary trailers, but clicking the social media link to their Twitter page opens up such a richness of publicity, from interviews to clips and reviews, that it is clear that Paramount has decided that that is where the money is to be made.

  2. THE JOKER: Good points about how this particular film fits into the franchise and the Warner family. You note the richness of the website with its various engaging videos and gallery, including the Bronx steps image, which was successful as an interactive meme.

  3. CRUEL PETER: You note the ingenious device of the spinning glass globe that makes such an impact as this website opens. You acknowledge how the gallery of "Peter's World" is comprehensive and enticing. The social media links make it easy to boost the film as they link directly to the FB and Twitter feed, making sharing easy.

  4. YOUR WEBSITE An excellent film website which hosts all the features required and which looks convincingly evidences the brand cohesion of all parts of the promo pack. The home page is gripping with its intriguing visuals and signals the genre. The logo of the film and accolades regarding the film are the first things a visitor to the website will see, showing the prestigious level of the film. Silhouette’s logo font is consistent throughout the promotional package.

    You have seamlessly integrated the Trailers into the website, so they can be easily watched. An integrated store page with creatively designed merch helps generate revenue and elongate the film's life. The nav bar is an integral part of the overall website, and is what is used in order to navigate the website. You positioned the links to the social media pages for the film in line with the other pages of the website, so that they could be found easily. The links also show the logo of the respective social media, so that when clicked on, the audience knows which site they are going to. The website is also used as a convergent hub for the film, and features convergent links to the films YouTube page and store. You have thought about device compatibility when viewing the website.
