My Film Poster
Version 3

In my final rendition of my poster, I made Joe and Ben's character brighter, so that they were more distinguishable, when they were infront of the Silhouette I made for Amy's Character. The gutter for the poster was also made consistent, as I moved the QR code which links to my social medias stay in line with the billing block text. The QR Code is integral to my poster as it gives my target audience means to interact with my promotional package, and it adds interactivity to my poster. The names of the actors, of which was organised in relation to how they appear on the poster, were also made slightly smaller as further analysis of movie poster showed me that the actors names tended to be smaller than the title or tagline of the film. 

Version 2

Version 1


  1. IT poster: Your analysis shows good understanding of the ways in which the poster attracts and addresses audiences through horror visual codes. You explain the framing of the central image and the use of colour.

  2. JOKER: thoughtful analysis of the framing of the central image, the stance of the main character, the use of setting and the branding of the film as part of a franchise.

  3. CRUEL PETER, IT, THE JOKER You continued to research the poster genre to good effect and write confidently about genre conventions. You have used your research to inform your own poster design.

  4. YOUR POSTER Poster A sophisticated design that in its streamlined, pared-down quality fits the film genre very well, conveying the military milieu through the protagonists in combat gear in the centre and hinting at the menace of the monster through the silhouette towering over behind them. The monochrome palette allows subtle points of light to engage the audience’s interest, such as the rim lighting on the hero’s cap and the mask on the other protagonist’s face. This pair occupy the centre of visual interest as their roles are central and the audience needs to grasp their importance swiftly, despite their being masked and wearing combat gear. This image is key as it appears on your film website as well as throughout your film promo pack, contributing to the cohesion of the whole. Against the dark background, relieved only by the visual noise of the red fire sparks and smoke, the film title, tagline, release date and talent stand out clearly. The poster demonstrates secure knowledge of genre codes and conventions (institutional information, billing block, release date, social media links, talent) and has a functioning QR code. The whole is a sophisticated and polished poster, showing a high standard of technical skills, clearly based on solid research, planning and drafting.
