Tuesday, November 3, 2020



Our initial Mind Map was used in order for us to brain storm ideas for our trailer package. Our idea for our package was to make a trailer that conformed to the horror/thriller. We used niche films like Dollhouse the teaser trailer to Overlord and the "A Quiet Place" film series to get ideas as to how they generate suspense and a thrill element to their films. This was crucial to the development to our film as it meant that we were able to learn key aspects of these kinds of films and integrate these into our film to make it a much better end product. 

Upon further research into horror films and their codes and conventions, we decided to steer away from the grotesque and crude violence that has become stereotypical of horror films as of late. We felt that the gore would stray the audiences attention away from the suspense and terror that we will try to create in our film. We also decided that a psychological horror aspect would be much more effective for the type of film we want, focusing on building suspense and the 'unknown' element of the being.

Furthermore, I suggested that an semi-fast pace to the film could work to keep building the suspense, but also allow the audience to move scene from scene and stay on the edge of their seats. This is mainly because of the thriller aspect to our trailer, gives us more routes to explore pacing and generating intensity scene from scene. We also agreed that the idea of a supernatural being with the intention to kill was a good idea, and we have to make sure that the deaths (if they do incur) are not violent, but rather blood-curdling.

We want the origins of our creature to appear fairly extraterrestrial. We decided on having a relic that linked the human world to the world of the being, and the experimentation that the scientists perform on the relic awaken the beast and release it into our world. This allows us to play on the idea that the beast can be anywhere it likes at any point it likes.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent explanation and discussion of your inspiration. The soundscape is very powerful. I can see from this material how you are developing your own production ideas. Perhaps you could add the two clips here as they speak volumes about your inspiration.
