Friday, March 26, 2021

Our Final Trailers

Silhouette Trailers by IGNITE FILMS


  1. The main trailer for 'Silhouette' is gripping and compelling. It succeeds as a trailer over many levels: the visuals are very convincing in their realism - the use of night-vision equipment, the face masks and uniforms of the special forces, their guns and how they wield them, the industrial and urban settings, the spectacle of the Mansion with the floating body - all combine to create a quality of professional authenticity.
    Your pace of editing contributes strongly to the success of the trailer: you deliver a clear narrative that promises excitement, action and paranormal activity, laced with menace and unease from the unknown, driven forward by from the start with the ticking clock via slick production company idents that are themselves small works of art, that intensify the threat as each inter-title builds the sense of peril. The film title is introduced neatly, cut to the beat.

  2. Main trailer: amongst the strengths of the main trailer are some jaw-dropping moments like the transition between the interior of the warehouse and the floating corpse above the Mansion, the glowing body - clearly other worldly, the fire from the weapons and the drone cam shots. The clips shot through the viewfinder are also impressive and convincing - another example of the ambition behind this production.
    The soundtrack helps establish the genre and contributes to the sense of peril and the vocabulary used the snatches of dialogue lends authenticity. Your editing also has a rich texture of different shot types, camera angles and framing, as well as camera movement, thanks to detailed planning based on research. Elegant sophisticated work.
