Gravity is a trailer that benefits from the lack of sound and the pacing used in the edit of the trailer. Inter-titles are used at the beginning of the film to help give context to space and add further realism and immersion to the film. The trailer is also done very cleverly, lacking major sound at key moments, this also relates back to the initial inter-titles and reflect further realism. The trailer is also unusual as the inter-title is completely silent, the audience is immediately sucked into the vacuum of silent space. Alfonso Cuaron is a very prestigious director who is known for directing films like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, therefore this will act as a large pull factor for audiences to watch the film. The use of high notoriety actors like Sandra Bullock and George Clooney will also aid in this.
The trailer is able to signify its genre through a range of visual codes most notably in CGI and costuming. The costumes that have been chose are very stereotypical of astronauts, including an oxygen tank on the back of Sandra Bullock's character. There is also a heavy use of CGI, including the space shuttle Bullock is on, the space environment with the Earth and all the debris that comes with the collision. This is significant as this is usually done with Sci-Fi films as many of the concepts they interact with are too complex to be real. The beginning of the trailer is also full of action and intensity, further signalling that it is a Thriller/Action film. This is exaggerated with the use of closeup shots in the beginning scene of the trailer. The camera is using a close up in order to focus the attention of the viewer on what the character is feeling and this helps to create an emotional connection between the character and the audience. This is key as if the audience don't care about the character, they won't want to find out what happens next and therefore the film will generate a significantly less amount in the box office.
The two big name actors in this film is George Clooney and Sandra Bullock. This is particularly evident as these are the only two characters who gain screen time in the entire trailer. Sandra Bullock plays the main character in this film, as she is the first person the audience is introduced to and is a constant character in every scene in this trailer. This is significant as the audience's exposure of the character is so great that the emotional connection is much more likely to form. It also helps to not swamp the audience in a variety of new characters and keeps the trailer much more simple. There is also an important sound cue used with the introduction of Clooney's character. When the voice over of George Clooney starts, the intense breathing that has been prevalent throughout the trailer since the start, dies down suggesting that he is a friend and a comfort character. It is important to note that there has also been no inter-titles used during the trailer to announce the important actors's/actress's. This was probably to avoid breaking up the intense action happening on the screen.
There are 2 inter-titles used in the trailer of this film, the most important being the inter-title at the beginning of the trailer. This is used very effectively as it bluntly tells the audience the risks of space and the reality of someone being there. This shows the audiences the mammoth challenge the characters have to overcome in order to survive the film. There is also no compromises either. The statements are said exactly how it is, "NO OXYGEN" and "LIFE IN SPACE IS IMPOSSIBLE" shows how the characters are already defying the laws of nature to be in space to begin with. The fragility of being in space is also realised through this inter-title and has been placed expertly. The other inter-title used is to show the big name director who is involved in the film. This inter-title is synced with the breathing of Sandra Bullock to help give the trailer a pace. The breathing is fast and consistent which other video clips are synced to as well. This later fades out into a heartbeat which the transitions are still in time to.
Subject specific terminology is used in the dialogue in this film's trailer, which adds to the immersion of the film. Examples of this would be "Explorer has been hit, Explorer do you copy?" this is not a casual way of communication, instead they use code names and ask the person on board "do you copy?" rather than can you hear me. This shows that these characters are in a professional scene and have advanced knowledge about the job they do. It also shows that they have to study hard for their job and learn the terminology as well. The dialogue is also used to show the audience the educational level of the characters, with George Clooney's character addressing Sandra Bullock's character as "Dr. Stone". This address shows the audience an insight into her life, what kind of person she is, and her background. It also helps the audience feel closely connected with her, strengthening the pull factor of wanting to know what will happen to her character. The dialogue is also used to help humanize the characters and allows the audience to relate to them and have sympathy on the character being isolated from their family members for so long.
This trailer inspires me as it manages to fit so much suspense and realism into a small time frame and I want my trailer to reflect the same amount of realism and intense scenes as this trailer has managed to so expertly. This trailer also manages to emotionally connect the audience with the character which is a very important aspect and something I want to recreate.
GRAVITY: You have engaged closely with the trailer as an audience and show your response to its immersive qualities, how it creates realism, its use of sound and silence, how it builds tension and how it uses trailer conventions such as inter titles, names star talent and genre codes.